RSS3 Network Transparency API

Introducing the RSS3 Network Transparency API (NTA)

As the RSS3 Network Mainnet development progresses (and progresses really fast and well), we are consolidating many internal APIs previously used for internal monitoring and analysis into a completely new service called the RSS3 Network Transparency API (NTA).

Open Access

We believe in Open Information and the Open spirit, we think all the data and metrics of the RSS3 Network must also be openly accessible. Such information is usually utilized by the Community (Dune for one) to conduct analysis and develop dApps.

As its name suggests, access to the NTA will be completely open and free.

Progress and Scope

The NTA is a work in progress (do check the GitHub repo for that) and will be part of RSS3 Global Indexers operated by the Community, enabling a decentralized and permissionless way for analyzing how the RSS3 Network is performing.

Currently, the scope includes the following areas (and will get broadened as the Network evolves)

  1. Liquidity-related information such as bridging and (un)staking
  2. Operation-related information such as work records of all RSS3 Nodes
  3. Network Rewards-related information such as distribution records
  4. Slashing-related information
  5. Fees-related information such as request fees generated
  6. Tax-related information such as the current average tax rate

As mentioned, the NTA will evolve with the Network.

Your Opinion Matters

We believe the NTA will be a valuable and convenient service for all Community members ranging from devs, Node operators, and users, so do leave a comment below to voice your opinion on what information should be included.


Always Open Information