Questions for RSS3 Team

1. How does RSS3 cooperate with other brands?
As far as i know, there are almost 20 brands have connected to RSS3’s ecosystem and more and more are coming. Many like me don’t really know how the things work.
2.What benefits each other by cooperating?
It’s easy to understand that many brands need data services which RSS3 provides. But, what do those brands feed back to RSS3 ecosystem.
3.Why should people buy $RSS3?

4.How do $RSS3 holders make profit?
There are so many people who hold $RSS3 token because they trust in RSS3 and the team. Apart from $RSS3 price may go higher with time, what else can RSS3 bring to holders and how?


A1. How does RSS3 cooperate with other brands?
(1) Have an interesting idea for collaboration? Start a proposal here in our Forum, or reach out to us at RSS3 Discord or Telegram.
(2) Developer wanting to start playing around with RSS3 DSL or VSL? Apply for grant at Open Information Initiative
(3) Whilst RSS3 doesn’t do pure co-marketing collaborations, we can always start with podcasts, in real life events, and more at Open Information House

A2.What benefits each other by cooperating?

(1) If you are an onchain application generating data, welcome to reach out to us to have your data be included in the RSS3 Network so that others can start utilizing your application’s data too.
(2) if you want to link your data to AI agents, we have OpenAgent frameworks on our VSL.
(3) Reach out to us via our forum if you have any interesting ideas.

A3.Why should people buy $RSS3?

$RSS3 has various utilities which includes
(1) gas token for RSS3 VSL,
(2) securing and maintaining of RSS3 DSL network,
(3) data and ownership economy of the RSS3 Network (releasing soon), and perhaps most importantly utility
(4) the non-utility (also known as meme) that signifies Open Web and free flow of digital information.

A4.How do $RSS3 holders make profit?

As mentioned in A3, $RSS3 has various utilities. We believe everyone is a content creator and a content consumer, whether you are an AI or a human. Holder of $RSS3 will be able to directly take part in the upcoming Ownership Economy journey.

Hope this answers your questions~


Seems i won’t get the answer here :pensive:


I think overall, trust the process is what I would personally say.

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There is no doubt i trust this project.
The only thing i want to know is how RSS3 makes profit and how to share it with RSS3 holders. It’s about the real eco-economy. I think this is what we should talk more about here, not only technology.
It is hard to go far for a great tech without a good eco-economy.
BTW, i appreciate your answering!


Let me drop some examples here

  1. Open Source APIs: We will charge a fee per request for our open-source APIs. Given the high volume of daily requests, this will generate a sustainable net inflow of revenue.
  2. $RSS3 Utility: Enhancing the utilities of $RSS3 will create more demand, thereby contributing to our overall revenue as mentioned above.

These are just a few examples of our revenue streams. We have additional strategies in place that are under the table for now, but these highlight some of our approaches to building a sustainable economic model.


partially answered by this REP